Wherever God Leads

In Joshua 1 we find an interesting beginning to the book. God makes the statement that Moses is dead. Immediately Joshua seems to be distraught and begins to question his capabilities and his calling. God tells Joshua in the first nine verses of the book that he needs to be strong and courageous a total of three times. God also made a promise to Joshua that if he would stand firm for God’s kingdom and meditate on His word, then God would in turn be with Joshua just as he was with Moses.

Undoubtedly, the last few years have been tough for all of us. Covid-19 made a huge impact on the entire world and the church world was not spared from its ramifications. Yet, this new season of life has presented itself with fresh perspectives, various ways to evangelize to people, and the opportunity for many churches and pastors to reevaluate their methodologies. My friends, I share with you a comforting message. In the New Testament, Jesus says that He has overcome the world. That tells all of us that there is never a time to throw our hands up in dismay or hang our heads in defeat.

Instead, spark new life into the church and your local community. This might be a time when it would be good to launch a discipleship program or challenge the Timothy in your church to branch out for God’s kingdom. Whatever your church decides to do will be a positive step forward. Just as Joshua allowed God to lead him during one of the most uncertain times of his life, we too should shift our focus to what God is leading us to do. Just as Joshua found out time and time again, there is nothing impossible when God is in control. 

Keeping up with the recent emphasis across our denomination that has been placed on calling, my family has answered the call to become missionaries to the Philippines after spending the last four years in Saipan. This new journey has begun with the deputation process. We would love to have the opportunity to speak with you and your churches. Please consider praying for us and supporting financially as God leads. You can contact us at justin.cook@generalbaptist.com. All offerings made toward our ministry should include “Cook Philippines” in the memo line.

May everyone be blessed by the continuation of their involvement in God’s work locally, regionally, and around the world. 

About the Author: Justin Cook and his wife Carolyn have served the past 4 years in Saipan. They have recently answered a call to become missionaries to the Philippines, where Justin will be serving as a professor at the General Baptist Bible College in Davao City. Justin’s passion is helping young men and women discover the call God has on each one of their lives.