Mission & Ministry Summit Workshop tracks

Mission & Ministry Summit Workshop Tracks

Summit workshop tracks provide focusIn 2007 leaders of the General Baptist denomination took intentional steps to re-engineer the denomination’s annual meeting.  The meeting originated in 1870 when a General Association of General Baptists was organized in Junction, Illinois.

For many years this General Association functioned as a convention of sorts where various independent General Baptist agencies made their annual reports to the assembled delegates.  With the creation of the General Baptist Council of Associations in 1996 the business portion of the annual meeting was, for the most part, unnecessary for the denomination to function since the operational detail of denominational life was assigned to the Council of Associations and the executive staff that comprised the Leadership Team.

A new format that utilized powerful worship, practical training and intentional missionary contact caused the attendance at the annual meeting to double in just two years!

Now in its 10th year of operation the Mission & Ministry Summit continues to provide missionary connections and to offer powerful worship in large group settings while also providing practical training in workshop environments grouped into workshop tracks. Continue reading

Global Impact in the 10/40 Window

Global Impact in the 10/40 Window

By Phil Warren, Missionary To The Philippines

This post was originally published in the 2016 Spring issue of the GB Messenger. Don’t receive the Messenger? You can always catch the latest digital issue on the Messenger website, www.gbMessenger.org

When God empowered the church with the coming of the Holy Spirit it had an intended purpose. God birthed the church so that it would have a global impact by extending the Kingdom of His Son to every corner of the globe.

Before Christ’s birth it was prophesied by the angel, “And he will reign over Israel forever; His Kingdom will never end!” Acts 1:8 gives us this picture of an ever-widening impact from local to global. What began on the cross in Jerusalem will be extended across the world until He returns in glory and the earth as we know it will come to an end.

The church is on mission with God to extend the Good News of salvation to all peoples. The mission always begins locally but it was never intended to stay there. Every church is to do its part in this local to global impact by sending and supplying. However, it is imperative that we be strategic in our approach to make sure that we are good stewards of our God-given resources.

If we are to invest these resources, where is the best place that will make the greatest impact? If we look at the world we must see that the greatest opportunities probably lie in what is called the 10-40 Window. Continue reading

Join us for the 2016 Mission & Ministry Summit

The 2016 Mission & Ministry Summit

The 2016 Mission & Ministry Summit is July 18-20 in Bowling Green, KY at the Holiday Inn University Plaza and the Sloan Convention Center.

Hotel Information

Join us for the 2016 Mission & Ministry SummitBe sure to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible, we have almost filled our hotel room block at the Holiday Inn and have set up a second block at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Hilton Garden Inn is located less than a block from the Holiday Inn and the Sloan Convention Center – just across the street. Our rate at the Hilton Garden Inn is the same as the Holiday Inn, $107 for single or double occupancy.

The New summit website is up and running and has all the hotel and registration information. www.gbsummit.org

Summit Registration Information

We have a new style registration form geared towards young families and makes registration much more convenient and less costly.

Family/Individual Registration

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