The 2016 Mission & Ministry Summit

The 2016 Mission & Ministry Summit is July 18-20 in Bowling Green, KY at the Holiday Inn University Plaza and the Sloan Convention Center.

Hotel Information

Join us for the 2016 Mission & Ministry SummitBe sure to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible, we have almost filled our hotel room block at the Holiday Inn and have set up a second block at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Hilton Garden Inn is located less than a block from the Holiday Inn and the Sloan Convention Center – just across the street. Our rate at the Hilton Garden Inn is the same as the Holiday Inn, $107 for single or double occupancy.

The New summit website is up and running and has all the hotel and registration information.

Summit Registration Information

We have a new style registration form geared towards young families and makes registration much more convenient and less costly.

Family/Individual Registration

Families will be able to register individually for the summit and their children all on the same form. They will also have a capped registration fee. Young families have limited resources and often have to make choices whether or not to attend the summit. Now their fees are limited to $200 per family regardless how many children they bring to the summit.

Church Block Registration

Of course we are keeping the church block registration to allow churches to take advantage of team training of large groups of their members. This helps meet one of the goals of the summit, to help make an impact on local GB churches.

Summit Keynote Speakers

Our keynote speakers are Phil Cooke, Ted Cunningham, Gary McIntosh, and Clint Cook.

Phil Cooke

Phil is an internationally known writer and speaker has produced media programming in nearly 50 countries around the world. During that time—through his company Cooke Pictures in Burbank, California—he’s helped some of the largest nonprofit organizations and leaders in the world use the media to tell their story in a changing, disrupted culture.

Through his best-selling book Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Nonprofits Make a Difference and Other’s Don’t, Phil helps churches and ministry leaders understand that they have to “tell a better story.”

Ted Cunningham

Ted is the founding pastor of Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, MO. He is the author of Fun Loving You, Trophy Child and Young and In Love and coauthor of four books with Dr. Gary Smalley: The Language of Sex; From Anger to Intimacy; Great Parents, Lousy Lovers and As Long as We Both Shall Live.

He is a graduate of Liberty University and Dallas Theological Seminary. Ted and his wife, Amy, have been married for 17 years and live in Branson, MO with their two children, Corynn and Carson.

Gary McIntosh

Gary has over 27 years of experience in the field of church growth consultation, coaching of church leaders, and workshop presentations. As President of the McIntosh Church Growth Network, Gary has analyzed over 1,000 churches, representing some 87 denominations throughout the United States, Canada and Southeast Asia. His articles have appeared in Global Church Growth, New Results, the Win Arn Growth Report, Leadership, Church Growth America, Growing Churches, and numerous denominational publications.

Gary is currently Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, where he teaches courses in the field of Pastoral Theology.

Clint Cook – Executive Director of General Baptist Ministries

Born in 1962, Clint was called into the ministry at the age of 16 and ordained as a minister at the age of 20. Graduating from St. Louis Christian College in 1986 Clint began his first pastorate at Real Life Church in Springfield, IL in September 1985. At that time the church was known as First General Baptist Church.

In 2011, Clint was called by the General Baptist Council of Associations to act as the interim Executive Director following the resignation of Dr. James Murray. After less than a year serving as Interim, Clint was elected to fill the Executive Director position on a permanent basis.

As Executive Director, Clint has continued his ministry as Lead Pastor at Real Life Church and continued and expanded the Next Level Coaching Network among General Baptist pastors and leaders.

Summit Workshops

This year our workshop tracks will include offerings dealing with

  • Children’s Ministry with special offerings for smaller and larger churches.
  • Women’s Ministries that will include topics on prayer and community connections
  • Church Growth with presentations from noted authors, recognized consultants and General Baptist pastors.
  • Local Church Ministry in such areas as bi-vocational ministry, healthy small church, gender issues, volunteer placement, recovery ministries, capital fund-raising and family issues.
  • Personal Enrichment will provide some important disciple making sessions on living a meaningful life, stress management, friendship factors among other topics.
  • Apologetics will offer three sessions with the general theme of Answers from Genesis.
  • Missions will, of course, offer sessions that give up-close-and-personal connections to missionaries and national workers from around the world.  Some of these sessions will deal with programming and planning for short-term missions.  Others will focus on the 10/40 Window and our General Baptist outreach there.

We are featuring children’s ministries this year with some special programming and detailed workshops geared towards specific sizes of churches. We urge you to send your children’s department leaders to learn and be exposed to other GB leaders to learn and talk to each other.

Pre-registration for each workshop is not required but registration for the Mission & Ministry Summit is now open on-line, by phone (573-785-7746) or by mail to 100 Stinson Drive, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901.

So make plans now to join the largest gathering of General Baptists at the Summit this July 18-20 in Bowling Green, KY at the Holiday Inn and Sloan Convention Center.