Vertical Church - A Story of God's Vision

The Vertical Church Vision – Faithfulness of God and His People

by Steve Akins – Lead Pastor of Vertical Church in Fort Branch, Indiana.

Vision  noun | vi•sion | \’vi-zhən :  the act or power of imagination; mode of seeing or conceiving

If you would have asked me what vision is in a church several years ago I probably would have quoted a leader like Andy Stanley or Rick Warren, but what I’ve come to learn is that vision is simply listening to what God says and doing exactly what He says to do. That is the story of the relocation of Vertical Church to its new campus.

Sixteen years ago I came to, at that time, the Fort Branch General Baptist Church. It was a congregation in decline. They had been without a pastor for close to two years and the once large congregation had dwindled down to around 100. AS we began the work we sensed that God was up to something. The area was changing and more and more people were moving into the area and the church began to grow. As with any change, difficulties arise. Long-time church members feel threated by the new people, the new worship style, the new attitude and so some began to leave but God was faithful and for everyone one person that left God would bring two and the church continued to grow.

In 2008 we continued to grow and we began to sense that we would need to build one day. We began to pray and talk about what that would look like and what that would entail. Should we stay at our current location or should we relocate? Our current location was landlocked and any idea we had to utilize the land and facilities just wouldn’t work. So relocation was our only option but we had one big problem; There was very little land for sale around Fort Branch in the size we needed. In fact, there was only one piece of property available. As we prayed we sensed that God wanted us to purchase 20 acres and we figured that it would cost us $10,000 an acre since land prices were at a premium. In 2011 we approached the landowner with an offer which they countered and we accepted. We were able to purchase 26.68 acres of land for $199,960. It was a definite God moment as we received 7 more acres more then we needed for less than we originally thought. Talking to the landowner at the closing they said the reason that they brought the price down so much is that we were a church and they wanted to see God’s church flourish. God was with us!

In 2013 We began to meet with Architects to flesh out what was needed for our ministry going forward. Our priority was to build a functional building. We were not looking to build something that would appear on the cover of Architectural Digest but to be a functional, multi-use space. I heard a long time ago that form follows function and so we designed the building spaces to fit the ministry that we would be doing. It was so important to us to get a designer and builder who listened to us and was interested in how we wanted to do ministry.

We broke ground in September 2017 and the building was completed August 1, 2018. On our first Sunday God blew our minds. We had 721 people show up which was 200 more than the previous week and through the first month, we continue to average over 200 people more than the previous month. Our Grand Opening celebration was Sunday, August 26 with 815 people in attendance.

In short, this story is not about me but about the faithfulness of God and the faith of His people.

To God be the Glory, great things He has done!

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What I Learned from Walt Disney

By Brandon Petty

I can still remember the first time I watched Disney Channel.  I was a young boy and visiting my aunt’s house. It was like Christmas, watching cartoons like Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse Club. Remember that one? M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse! (Donald Duck), Mickey Mouse!  That one might show my age a little bit, but I loved watching it.  To me, Disney Channel had this magical feeling when you would sit down and watch it.  We didn’t have the channel at my house, so whenever I was able to watch it, I felt as if I was a part of the magic.

A few weeks ago my family and I were able to go to Disney World for the first time.  My wife had visited in high school, but for me and my girls, this was the first time.  We were blessed by generous friends with five days of park passes to Disney World.  This was definitely a dream come true for me as well as my kids.  I had no idea what to expect, but what I experienced made me think about what I could learn from Disney and how it applies to the church. Here are a few things that I learned:

A Vision Embraced by Others Will Never Die

Walt envisioned Disney World but never got to see it.It’s amazing to think that Disney World was built after Walt Disney died. Most of what we see in Disney’s mainstream success today is the result of a dream that Disney never got to see in person.  But he envisioned it way before it ever happened.  One of the men who helped design Magic Kingdom is quoted as saying; “It’s too bad that Walt never got to see this.”   To which someone replied, “He did…that’s why it’s here.”

A powerful dream and vision that is embraced and lived out by others can never die.  Think of the vision that Jesus had for the church. Upon His death and resurrection only 150 people called themselves believers.  Now there are millions of believers all over the world!  That is the reason we encourage every GC owner at our church to own the vision.  It’s yours, too!  This church is not about my agenda.  It’s about a vision that was given by God and intended for others to live out and fight for with all of our being.  The most wasteful thing we can do with our lives is living them out without ever giving ourselves over to a vision that’s larger than us.

Be Excellent in the Details

My mind was blown at the details inside each theme park.  Every single employee, from the security guards to the tram workers, called each kid a “prince” or “princess”.  Every single employee.  Each employee had the title “cast member.”  And a person dressed up as a character never stepped out of that character, even if they Characters at Disney World never break out of their role.were talking to an adult.  We even played an interactive Perry the Platypus spy game in which our kids were handed actual cell phones and we had to complete a mission in Epcot.  At each meeting spot, a different element of the park would come to life by pressing a button on this phone…it was incredibly creative!  From the thoughtfully shaded areas for waiting in lines, to the parades, fireworks, and character meet and greets, our walk in the humidity was worth it.

What if every single week, we served people in our church with that kind of attention to detail?  What if we served people with that kind of joy and passion?  From the parking lot to our kids’ ministry, we should come ready to make it the highlight of every single person’s week.  It’s easy for us to get caught up in the weekly routine of doing what we do on a Sunday, but we only do it once a week.  These people do it every single day.  As a church that has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, we should be even more excellent than Disney.  After all, we have so much more to offer than a child’s theme park.  We have the greatest hope on the face of the planet!

No One Wants to Leave

Orlando, Florida has intense humidity in the summer.  Every single day by four or five o’clock, rain would come in a downpour.  And every single day, people bought ponchos, used umbrellas, or simply walked around soaked.  Rides would shut down temporarily, and yet people waited.  No one wanted to leave.

Some people may wake up on a rainy Sunday and re-think the whole church thing.  But what if the church worshiped, served, and loved with such passion and energy that people never wanted to miss it or leave?  I think of moments in Scripture where believers wouldn’t let prison, persecution, or trials keep them from coming together to worship God and serve others.  They even met in underground cemeteries to hide from such persecution because they never wanted to miss an opportunity to worship and fellowship.  I want to be that kind of church.

Exhausted, but Worth It

If you’ve ever been to Disney World, especially for multiple days in a row, then you know one thing is true: you will be exhausted!  The walking, sweating, carrying your kids when they’re tired of walking, waiting in long lines, running to your fast pass lines, and did I mention SWEATING?  But we kept going back.  We got up early and stayed late.  We would be sore, stinky, and sleepy and yet we stayed longer.  Yet we kept going because at the end of the day, it was fun and worth it.

How many of us quit the church the moment we get tired?  The moment that things get tough in our lives, the church is the first thing The Disney castle is a symbol of the vision of Walt Disney.that gets crossed off of our list.  We quit serving, giving, and attending worship services.  We throw out terms like “burned out,” but our calendars are still full of other “stuff.”  I long for a church of believers that keep going no matter how tired we get, because we realize IT IS WORTH IT.  It’s worth our time, energy, sweat, emotion, investment, and frustrations.  It’s all worth it.  I can’t look at the image of our Savior nailed to an old, wooden cross and tell Him, “Sorry, I’m tired from doing too much stuff.” I just can’t.  I read about the saints before us who gave their lives so that we could live out their faith today.  What we do matters WAY more than what Disney is doing or will ever do.  I want to be able to keep going in those times of doubt and frustration, because at the end of the day it will be fun and definitely worth it.

I absolutely loved seeing my kids enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. I was grateful for the generous gift that made it possible.  But all of that pales in comparison to how much I love Jesus and His church. As we left Magic Kingdom on our last night, they began playing the music to When You Wish Upon a Star. I stood there looking up at that grand castle. I thought about how amazing it is to experience a dead man’s dream and how hard he worked to see it continue after his death. But we’ve been handed a dream by the only man to ever conquer death. His dream lives on just as He lives.

I pray that we could all take a lesson from the Walt Disney experience. But most of all, I pray we catch a much larger vision for a much greater purpose.

The Future is Bright

By Clint Cook, Executive Director

What exciting days these are for General Baptists!  As I read report after report from our churches and mission fields, I can do nothing but give praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  I can recall no other time in General Baptist history when lives have been change through Christ at such a staggering pace.

the future is bright for church plants

Week after week our churches are witnessing lives changed by the gospel, baptisms performed in obedience to the Scripture, and discipleship deepened through study of the Word.

How proud every General Baptist should be to know that more people are participating in church planting and internationalThe future is bright for new believers all over the world mission work than ever before.  Our MVP ministry teams meet physical and spiritual needs of people in places like Honduras, Mexico, and Jamaica on short-term mission trips.  Our church planters stamp their communities with the name of Christ in exponential proportions.  Our international missionaries expand their spheres of influence by recruiting and mentoring local pastors, supporting community churches, and inserting Jesus Christ into their local cultures through the teaching and training of nationals.

How exhilarating it is to see how God uses the Summit and Next Level Coaching to empower pastors and church leaders.  As they tailor these instructions and resources to their churches and communities, they give more and more people the opportunity to hear and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.  And let’s not forget about the number of young adults who are participating in General Baptist conferences throughout the year, either at the National Youth Conference or the Generation Next Conference!

Yes, the future is bright for General Baptists and how thankful I am that I’m a partner in this incredible time with you, accomplishing more together than we can do alone.