Be Encouraged

Every once in a while as a pastor I see people doing their best to fight the good fight and honor God, yet the enemy just keeps attacking.  Maybe recent weeks have been very trying for you.  Maybe you are facing obstacles that seem insurmountable.  Maybe you feel like giving up.  I just wanted to take a couple of sentences and encourage you with a few thoughts.

Psalm 23:4 states, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (NIV)

Although I cannot explain all that may be happening in your situation, I can tell you that God’s promises are true, and that He is with you guiding your steps.  I want to encourage you to stay focused and not give up.  God’s plans for your life are bigger than you could ever imagine, and you will never have victory without a battle.  The truth is, the tougher the battle, the sweeter the victory.

I challenge you to expect greater things from God.  Never give up on His promises.  But also remember as you do, the enemy will relentlessly pursue distracting you from God’s plan for your life and your church.  Don’t give up!  Don’t give in!  Fight the good fight!
