Global Impact in the 10/40 Window

Global Impact in the 10/40 Window

By Phil Warren, Missionary To The Philippines

This post was originally published in the 2016 Spring issue of the GB Messenger. Don’t receive the Messenger? You can always catch the latest digital issue on the Messenger website,

When God empowered the church with the coming of the Holy Spirit it had an intended purpose. God birthed the church so that it would have a global impact by extending the Kingdom of His Son to every corner of the globe.

Before Christ’s birth it was prophesied by the angel, “And he will reign over Israel forever; His Kingdom will never end!” Acts 1:8 gives us this picture of an ever-widening impact from local to global. What began on the cross in Jerusalem will be extended across the world until He returns in glory and the earth as we know it will come to an end.

The church is on mission with God to extend the Good News of salvation to all peoples. The mission always begins locally but it was never intended to stay there. Every church is to do its part in this local to global impact by sending and supplying. However, it is imperative that we be strategic in our approach to make sure that we are good stewards of our God-given resources.

If we are to invest these resources, where is the best place that will make the greatest impact? If we look at the world we must see that the greatest opportunities probably lie in what is called the 10-40 Window. Continue reading