The Value of Pastoral Relationships

By Clint Cook

Over the last few weeks, I have reflected on the value of attending conferences.  As I’ve stated before, this idea is not a new one in the church.  We find examples in the Word of God where Jesus himself would withdraw from the pressures of ministry and take those he ministered with away for intense discipleship training.

Last week, General Baptist ministers gathered at the 2014 Minister’s Conference on Kentucky Lake.  Executive Director Clint Cook shares on why pastoral relationships are importantI was allowed the opportunity to speak on the last evening.  As I prepared for this final session, where both new and experienced ministers were in attendance, I was led to speak on a puzzling passage of scripture in the Old Testament, found in 1 Kings 13.  In this passage, God commissioned a young prophet from the southern nation of Israel to go to the northern tribes and pronounce a sobering prophecy to King Jereboam.  God told him he was to speak the message and then go directly home, without eating or drinking anything.  The young prophet obeyed God’s directions and did exactly as he was instructed-until he was on his way home.  Meanwhile, an older prophet heard of the young prophet’s mission and met up with him as he journeyed home.  When these strangers met, for some reason unknown to us through the scriptures, the older prophet decided to lie to the young man.  He told him that an angel had instructed him to bring the young prophet to his home and share a meal.  The young prophet trusted the old prophet and agreed.  While the men were eating, God spoke to the older prophet and told him to declare that the young prophet would lose his life because he had failed to fully obey God.  As the young prophet proceeded home, a lion attacked him and he was killed.  The older prophet mourned the death of the young man and was so affected that he requested that upon his death, his sons bury him with this younger prophet.

I agree.  This IS a very bizarre passage.  Don’t you wonder why the young man would so quickly turn aside from doing exactly what God had told him?  And why the old prophet would lie and deceive the young man?

I believe this story is here for us to learn two very important lessons.  First, we must ignore distractions and follow through with doing exactly what the Lords tells us.  Second, we must not blindly trust the advice of others, even ministers, just because they are older.

Ministers building relationships at the 2014 MinConAfter such a sobering story, how can young prophets/ministers keep from being deceived by older ministers or saints in the faith?  The simple answer is that they must get to know them.  In the above story, neither of these men knew one another.  If they had known one another, known each other’s hearts, known each other’s motivations and goals, there may have been a different ending.

This is yet another reason why conferences, like the General Baptist Minister’s Conference, are so valuable.  Older, more mature Christians must get to know younger ones.  Young preachers need to hear mature ministers share their hearts, struggles, and goals, all of which remove the stranger barrier and help prevent deception from happening.  When you listen, interact, and share with others, you are more equipped to discern whether another believer is truly looking out for your best interest and offering sound advice.

You might say that if the young prophet had remained focused and done only what he was directed to do, this may not have happened.  Or, if they old prophet had not lied this may not have happened.  Both of those are true, but I also believe that if both of these men had known each other, their story would have turned out differently.  I am so thankful for the fellow ministers and believers who want to sharpen their discernment by building relationships with one another.

General Baptist Ministries offers several conferences throughout the year.  The upcoming Mission and Ministry Summit will take place July 21-23 in Springfield, Illinois and you do NOT want to miss it!  To register, head over to or call 573-785-7746.


A Pastor’s View

By John Galyen

As I write this, I am sitting in a guesthouse in Maradi, Niger.  A total of fourteen General Baptist short-term missionaries have come to this West African nation to share the gospel while providing medical care and famine relief to five villages outside the city.  International missions do not just change lives in other countriesIn a nation of over 17 million people (half of whom are under the age of 15) there are fewer than 50,000 Christ followers.  According to one American missionary living here, Niger’s population is expected to double in the next five years.  The need in Niger is incredible; in fact it can be a bit overwhelming.  We cannot meet all the needs in this place, but we can make a difference one village, one life at a time.

Five General Baptist churches are represented on our team, including Leigh’s Chapel, where I serve as pastor.  It has been especially rewarding to experience this trip with three of the folks I worship with each week.  As a pastor, I long to see the people I serve grow deeper in their walk with Christ.  I believe one of the greatest ways to facilitate this kind of growth is to provide them with opportunities to serve outside their own context-opportunities like the ones provided through GBIM.  There are 3 reasons why I believe short-term mission trips have a positive impact on the local church.  International missions changes our perspective on what God is doing around the world, provides opportunities for us to walk in obedience to the gospel cal, and strengthens the work of the church at home.


It is easy to become so focused on what we are trying to do in our local churches that we forget what ministry is all about.  We spend a lot of time and energy planning programs, preparing sermons, and solving problems.  Of course, these things aren’t bad, but it is all to easy to forget that spreading God’s glory to the ends of the Earth is what we are to be about.  Everything we do in the local church should aim to do this.  We should be publishing the fame of our God worldwide so that an ever-increasing number of his human creatures will recognize his inestimable worth and declare His glory with their lips and lives.

Short-term missions can function like a reset button that clarifies our perspective, reminding us that God is at work around the globe.  At home in our churches we can easily get discouraged or distracted by trivial things.  Global missions enlarge our vision and remind us of the vastness of God’s plan.

Missions require us to be obedientObedience

Each of the four gospels contains some type of great commission statement.  Our Lord’s command to make disciples of all nations has never been rescinded and has yet to be fulfilled, therefore it is still just as relevant for the church in the twenty-first century as it was in the first.  When God’s word speaks, we must obey.  This is not a cold, detached acquiescence to orders, but rather a deep-seated desire to share with others the love we have received.

As a church leader, I am constantly looking for new ways to motivate people to get involved in the life of the church.  Short-term mission trips provide opportunities for people to step our in faith and obedience to the Great Commission.  From fundraising to prayer support to the actual mission experience, our people will have their faith stretched like never before.  One of the old hymns we sometimes sing at Leigh’s Chapel is “Trust and Obey”, which says, ” There is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”  To be happy in Jesus we must trust and obey His cal to spread the gospel.  Obedience is not something others can do for you; it is something you must do yourself.

Stronger Churches

As people step out in faith on short-term mission experiences, they almost always come home on fire for the Lord.  I have seen it over and over again.  Missions have a way of stoking the fires of passion for Christ and his Church.  I cannot think of a single church or pastor who would not want to see people consumed with a passion for Christ and those for whom He Missions build stronger churches here at home, too.died.  The infusion of Holy Ghost power that often accompanies the short-term missionary when they return home is well worth the (sometimes expensive) monetary cost.  People with enlarged visions of what God is doing in the world rarely settle for the status quo in the local church.  Short-term mission trips have a way of strengthening the effort of our church here at home by opening our eyes to immediate needs and encouraging passionate involvement in the lives of those around us who need Christ.


I can personally attest to the 3 things mentioned above.  Over the past 18 months, our church has sent our thirteen members on a total of six mission trips to six different nations.  It has been incredible o watch our church culture evolve from having zero direct involvement in missions to becoming an active church in this important area of ministry.  Our involvement in missions has even affected other areas of church life.  As a pastor, I have witnessed people going deeper in discipleship, giving more sacrificially, praying more fervently, and participating more fully in the life of the church.  What’s more, our local ministries have grown as a result of the energy God has provided through international missions experiences.  In other words, we are doing more at home than we were before we were engaged in international mission work.

Whether you are the pastor of an established church or you are serving in a church plant, I urge you to lead your congregation to support what God is doing through General Baptist International Missions by giving and going.  Let us commit to doing together what we cannot do alone.

John Galyen served on a 10-day mission trip to Niger, West Africa this past March.  If you are interested in serving on a short-term mission trip or would simply like more information, contact the International Missions office by calling 573-785-7746 or visiting our website,


On the Mountain

By Clint Cook

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve shared with you why I think attending conferences are so vital to successful ministry.  Not only do they allow you to make lifelong friendships, but they also provide opportunities to continue your education and sharpen your skills.  Today, I want to share perhaps my number one reason for attending GB conferences: the Mountaintop Experience.  I’m referring to the event recorded in Matthew 17, which tells us Jesus pulled the “inner three” aside from ministry demands and the hustle and bustle of life to share a special time with Him. Conferences facilitate Mountiantop Experiences It is not hard to imagine that Peter, James, and John, like many pastors today, may have found it difficult to leave their assignments and ministries to go on what they may have thought was a simple trip-but there can be no question they were glad they did!  Verse 2 says, “he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.”  This trip turned out to be life changing when the first of three miraculous events occurred: the transfiguration of Jesus.

Then, as if they transfiguration alone was not enough, Moses and Elijah appeared.  They talked with and ministered to Jesus right before the disciples’ eyes.  Through the years I have been ministered to by many Elijah-type and Moses-type men who made me want to stay with them and receive from them as much knowledge and encouragement as possible.

The final miracle is found in verse 5, when, “a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well please; listen to him.'”

Obviously, all three of these mind-blowing experiences up on that mountaintop proved to be well worth the journey, effort, and sacrifice of getting away from the demands of ministry to meet with the Master.

I am reminded of the many times I have gone to a conference expecting to be the one who feeds or teaches the word of God, and instead become the one on the receiving end, being challenged to listen instead of speak.  Sometimes this happened through the preaching of God’s Word.  Sometimes it happened through the dynamic worship of God’s people, being caught up in an indescribable Spirit-filled moment.  Sometimes it happened through special moments of prayer during moving response times.  These moments for me were just as unexpected as the encounters experienced by Peter, James, and John, and just as life-changing and meaningful.

These Mountaintop Experiences allow us to see Jesus in a whole new light, like bread that descends from Heaven, feeding our souls.  It’s like the Old Testament passage in 1 Kings: “‘Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.’  And he arose and ate and drank and went in the strength of that food ‘forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God.'”  1 Kings 19: 7-8

In other words, God can feed us through Mountaintop Experiences at events like the General Baptist Minister’s Conference or the Mission and Ministry Summit, to sustain us until the next Divine Moment.  Are you hungry for that?  I am!  See you there!

The 2014 Minister’s Conference will take place this coming week-pray for Mountaintop Experiences for those attending.  The 2014 Mission and Ministry Summit will be July 21-23.  For more information about these and other General Baptist conferences, visit or call 573-785-7746