The Yeomans are preparing for a ministry in the Philippines and finally in Niger, Africa.

The Yeomans – Those That Have Never Heard

By Nicole Yeomans, Missionary to The Philippines

This post was originally published in the 2016 Spring issue of the GB Messenger. Don’t receive the Messenger? You can always catch the latest digital issue on the Messenger website,

Romans 10:14 tells us “But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him?”

I can still remember the exact moment that someone posed the question to me for the first time, “but what about those that have never heard the Gospel, will they go to heaven?” I stood looking at them like a deer in headlights and my life was forever changed.  I spent  the next 4 years at Welch College, studying the Bible, missions and Christian Education. It is there that I met my husband, Kris, who was also studying missions. God had placed a call to missions in both of our hearts.

Romans 10:14-15 continues by saying, “And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent?”

Kris, Nicole, and familyWe believe very deeply that God has called us to make His name known among the unreached peoples of this Earth, to share Jesus with those who have never heard, to be intentional in our relationships with the purpose of sharing Jesus and to make disciples as we go where God leads us.

What does that look like for our family in the very near future? Until now, our involvement with missions has been leading short-term mission trips to some of the most unreached parts of the world, including Niger, West Africa. Continue reading

Summit registration

New Summit Registration System

We’ve changed our registration process!

With more and more families attending the Summit, we’ve made it easier and less expensive for families to register for and attend. In the past, each church registered everyone that was attending the Summit from that church. Any families had to register their children on a separate form and pay for every child. That could add up quickly and possibly keep key leaders from attending the Summit.

Now, each family will fill out their own form for their family. If you are attending with the whole family, your registration fees will not exceed the max. You pay one time for the family, kids and all! (see below).

We’ve also kept the Block Registration for churches that are sending several people to the Summit. The Block Registration fee is the same, $400 per church, but does not include child registration. Families in a block registration will still need to register their children separately (see below).

With all the new possibilities, take a little time to go over the options and see which type of registration will be the best for your family and church.

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Faith Home - Honduras

Starting, Equipping, Inspiring – Obeying the Great Commission

By Clint Cook, Executive Director

This post was originally published in the 2016 Spring issue of the GB Messenger. Don’t receive the Messenger? You can always catch the latest digital issue on the Messenger website,

General Baptists are obeying the Great Commission. I clearly recall the first-hand view I received back in 1999 when I went on my first international mission trip to Honduras.

Children singing along Sunday School songsMy first mission trip abroad was alongside one of my deacons, Ken Morris, in which I was to preach and he would lead worship on a medical/mission team. Our trip began at Faith Home where we visited with the children and workers and toured the grounds. We then traveled with the rest of our team several hours by bus over difficult terrain to the capital city of Tegucigalpa and then to a very remote village in the hills near Tegucigalpa.  The country of Honduras had only recently survived the deadly and destructive hurricane named Mitch. Their political and economic infrastructure lay in shambles, their roads and other transportation system was nonexistent, and their citizens were in dire need of help. One of the most amazing things I remember about that trip is that despite all of these obstacles, the Honduran people were joyful, grateful for our help, and starving for the gospel! The depth of their struggles and loss paled in comparison to their desire to learn about a man named Jesus and their need for a Savior. While some were unable to change their current situation, they were determined to change their eternal destination. I cried day after day as I watched the altars fill with people asking Jesus into their hearts. I realized I was watching the carrying out of the Great Commission! Continue reading