By Tyler Feller
For only the second time, young leaders from across different platforms and regions of our country will convene together in Evansville, Indiana to talk about Jesus, life, and ministry at the 2014 Leverage Conference.
Last year, I was able to bring several young adults from our church who serve in high capacity areas as volunteers. We left with a greater sense of purpose and passion for the work God has called us to do. The relationships we built with other General Baptist leaders from across the nation were invaluable, and we even met with many of them again throughout the year.
As a young person, it is easy to feel like you are one of very few kingdom builders. I personally felt deeply inspired and encouraged last year by meeting other young people living for Jesus just like me.
It’s simple. . . attending Leverage 2014 will not leave you disappointed!
Here are 5 Reasons to Attend Leverage 2014
1. Develop a network you can grow with and rely on
Thinking about a problem by ourselves just brings us back to what we already know. None of us can observe our self in action. We need outside advice to stimulate thinking. Having a group of people that are going through some of the same challenges you are can be invaluable. My most valued leadership moves always come after seeking counsel from trusted friends. The Leverage Conference connects some of the brightest young leaders from across the nation to enhance a network of support. Attending this conference will help you get connected with other young Christians experiencing success in the same areas you are, whether it is in ministry, the public school system, or business.
2. Inspiration
The speakers and breakout leaders lined up for Leverage 2014 have been through the fire and will leave you feeling more passionate about using your influence to impact those around you. After hearing from and meeting with people living out a Christ honoring life, you will feel inspired in a new way to carry out your mission even stronger than before.
3. Increased leadership skills
By choosing to attend Leverage 2014, you will sharpen your skills and gain new ones. You will hear thoughts and ideas from leading experts in leadership and from you specific industry (ministry, public schools, business, etc). You will gain relevant and practical advice you can implement into your own leadership approach. The result is that you will become a better person and a better leader.
4. Future employment opportunities
You may or may not be looking for a new job at the moment, but you never know when you or someone you know might be. The more connections we have, the better positioned we are to make a move when God leads us that way. I’m not looking for a job myself, as I am happily employed, but I did meet Pastor Dustin Thompson at a GB conference a few years ago, which led to my current employment. You never know who you might meet, or who they might know, who is looking for just your skill set.
5. Go to the next level
Leverage 2014 is designed with the end in mind: stronger leaders mean stronger churches. The heart of this conference is to equip young people to reach their God-given potential. The general sessions, breakouts, and networking time is all designed with intentionality, to increase the capacity of the attendees.
This investment will be well worth your money and time, and will use very little of either! Be sure to come say ‘hey!’ when you see me at Leverage 2014. . .
Tyler Feller is currently serving as the Student Pastor at Genesis Church in West Plains, Missouri, and is very active in the General Baptist movement.