When God Calls, MOOOVE!

The other day, my husband decided it was time to move the big bunch of cattle across the county road to finish up the last of the pasture. (And praise God, we still have pasture and haven’t fed hay yet to them!) But of course there were some that didn’t make it across, even though they had plenty of opportunity to do so. And for a few days, there was a lot of bawling across the fences.

In a couple of weeks, all of the grass will be gone, and the ones who made it across, will join with the others as they come back across the road to them. And that really got me to thinking that many times in this life, we’ve missed out of the goodness of God because we simply were not paying attention to Him.

He moved, and we lagged behind. We were oblivious to our surroundings and missed “the call.” I can guarantee you that every one of those cows heard us “call” them and all the neighbors within 3 miles did too.

And that’s so much like us humans. We miss the plain, seen things of God. We see miracles of salvation, deliverance and healing and yet still stick our noses in the ground. I can tell you that I sure don’t want to miss it anymore.

I want to keep my eyes on Him and my heart fixed. I want to be ready for whatever He may “call” me to do. It may just be the fact that I need to go visit someone, pray with someone or even just look up and smile at someone. That’s the simple stuff that most of us miss.

What if we didn’t though? What would our world look like without the prompting of the Holy Spirit? I can tell you the world would be dead and life would be so dull and one might even wander why they exist. I do know that I want to stay in His Word and heed His “call” on my life, whatever that might be.

I can tell you that I’ve wrestled with the Lord in my life. I’m bull headed and don’t want to do certain things, or just avoid thinking about them. In 2015, I was asked to go to Africa, but the Holy Spirit nudged me and said, “not now.” Boy was I glad when He did, to tell you the truth.

But that put a spark inside of me in which I knew someday, I would go. I really don’t want to go and in a way, I’ve acted like Jonah running from the “call.” I like to stay where I’m comfortable and content. But I do know this for a fact, that God said “GO!”

I’m not sure what lies across the road from here to there, but I’m ready to find out. I’d say more than likely, that I will glean more than I give and have a brand new perspective on how wealthy I am, even though the bank owns my house and my car.

So, my daughter and I will journey into the unknown, knowing the God that leads us will never forsake us nor lead us astray. I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and journey across the road of life to where He will lead you. And one unending day, He will lead us home to where we belong, to those green pastures where the river of life flows freely and eternity begins. Let’s all cross over to the other side together.

About the Author: Hi I’m LeaAnn Crum, I’ve been a pastors (Neal Crum) wife for the past 22 years. We have 2 grown daughters, 2 sons in law and one granddaughter. We own and operate a 400 acre farm in Douglas county, MO.