
Welcome to our brand new space that is just for YOU.  It is here to help you connect to the broader work of General Baptists, whether it is happening down the street or over the horizon.  ‘For Every Man’  will feature ministry tips and lessons learned, stories from short and long-term missionaries, and information about the latest in GB happenings.  Our goal is that this allows you to stay better informed and connected with our denominational news and mission work, as well as give you access to personal insights from General Baptist leaders.  Go and explore the site, or scroll down your screen to read an encouraging and visionary post from our Executive Director, Clint Cook.  Let us know through the contact page how this space can better serve your needs.  After all, it’s all about YOU.

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The Future is Bright

By Clint Cook, Executive Director

What exciting days these are for General Baptists!  As I read report after report from our churches and mission fields, I can do nothing but give praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  I can recall no other time in General Baptist history when lives have been change through Christ at such a staggering pace.

the future is bright for church plants

Week after week our churches are witnessing lives changed by the gospel, baptisms performed in obedience to the Scripture, and discipleship deepened through study of the Word.

How proud every General Baptist should be to know that more people are participating in church planting and internationalThe future is bright for new believers all over the world mission work than ever before.  Our MVP ministry teams meet physical and spiritual needs of people in places like Honduras, Mexico, and Jamaica on short-term mission trips.  Our church planters stamp their communities with the name of Christ in exponential proportions.  Our international missionaries expand their spheres of influence by recruiting and mentoring local pastors, supporting community churches, and inserting Jesus Christ into their local cultures through the teaching and training of nationals.

How exhilarating it is to see how God uses the Summit and Next Level Coaching to empower pastors and church leaders.  As they tailor these instructions and resources to their churches and communities, they give more and more people the opportunity to hear and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.  And let’s not forget about the number of young adults who are participating in General Baptist conferences throughout the year, either at the National Youth Conference or the Generation Next Conference!

Yes, the future is bright for General Baptists and how thankful I am that I’m a partner in this incredible time with you, accomplishing more together than we can do alone.